an older chubby woman was really nice and dressing me and my niece with beautiful costume dresses. She showed up as nice and very caring. Suddenly, my niece screamed and came out running out of the changing room. She was in distressed and crying. She had rashes, red tiny spots along her arms and a few rashes on her face. I was confused and that's when I realised her eyebrows were gone. The older chubby lady had a loud evil laugh while holding the hairs between her fingers. I felt betrayed and in distressed for my niece who was in pain
This dream could possibly relate to a past experience where you or someone close to you was betrayed by someone they believed was nice and caring. The dressing up with beautiful costumes could symbolize a situation where everything seemed perfect and wonderful, but the sudden appearance of rashes and red spots on your niece's arms and face may indicate that something went wrong. The disappearance of her eyebrows could symbolize a loss of identity or sense of self. The older chubby lady's evil laugh while holding the hairs between her fingers suggests that she had ill-intentions and enjoyed causing harm. Overall, this dream may be telling you to be cautious of people who seem too good to be true and to trust your intuition.